Rhodes Class of 1975 Holds Virtual 45th Reunion

Rhodes Class of 1975

As a sign of these (pandemic) times, the Class of ‘75 held a “Virtual 45th Reunion” via Zoom on April 17. The primary purpose of the Reunion was to “celebrate” the lives of two of their recently deceased Classmates, Andy Savitz and Clayton Christensen.

In their honor, almost all Classmates responded to the Invitation to join the Reunion, and more than half of the Class “attended" as well as some members of the Class of '74.

Members of Andy’s and Clayton’s Families also graciously joined via Zoom.

The Class of '75 began the evening (after hearing a wonderful pre-taped Introductory Message from the Warden) by first hearing the families tell their personal heartwarming stories about their Classmates, including very moving Family remembrances, for which the attendees continue to thank them for sharing.

The families then stayed on during the rest of the Virtual Reunion to hear the Class of '75 regale them with memory after memory of their years with Andy and Clayton at Oxford, and beyond.

By the end of the Session, there was “not a dry eye left” in the large Gallery View— they all laughed and cried together for almost 90 minutes, as they shared their memories of/and tributes to their two Beloved Mates.

Thanks to Rhodes House’s amazing technological efforts (thanks Rachel Wood and Jackie Rivas!!), their Zoom Session was taped and emailed to all participants, along with written Tributes from Classmates who could not join the Session, including tributes from Larry Sabato and Ford Runge can be viewed here.

Scholars who are not in the Class ‘75 but would like to view the recording should contact Rhodes House. As Peter Carfagna, the Class Secretary noted, "I have 'replayed the Tape' a number of times myself, and it only gets better with age—as does our Class!!"

The virtual reunion ended with several, "we should do this again, and soon!”  The Class of '75 plans to reconvene their Class again in the near future—hopefully in-person, and certainly before they celebrate their 50th Reunion in 2025! They are an inspiration to our entire AARS Community!
